The saying goes: “It takes a village to raise a child.” Former First Lady and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton popularized the phrase with her book, It Takes a Village. In it, she frames the argument that we live in such a busy world – with more parents working, more societal ... Read More
Three Simple Solutions to Help Reduce Childhood Stress and Boost Your Child’s Academic Potential
In the first part of this four-part blog series on the importance of parental involvement, I’ve shared that parents are the key to helping reduce stress in their children and boost their children’s academic performance and IQ. In the second part of this series, we discussed how redefining ... Read More
Redefining Quality Family Time in an Overscheduled Society
Remember the old phrase “keeping up with the Joneses”? It used to be that neighbors would try to “keep up” with each other by having similar or nicer houses and cars, and we’d proudly boast about our children getting accepted into a good school or making honor roll when we’d run into ... Read More
The Key to Boosting Your Child’s Health and IQ: Your Time
It’s 7:00 p.m. at the end of another busy day. Between long hours at work, commuting time, shuttling your kids between activities, figuring out dinner, and helping with homework, you’re one very tired parent. You know you need to spend some “quality time” with your children, but you can’t ... Read More
How to Foster Your Child’s Unique Talents
No matter how young or how old we are, we all have unique gifts and talents. When 16-year-old Jack Andraka took the stage at a TED talk I attended years ago, I was impressed by this young man’s ability to develop an early detector for pancreatic cancer. I wondered: what sort of encouragement ... Read More